Exhibitors’ FAQ
Below you will find some of the most FAQs and we’re hoping this page can provide our exhibitors the information on commonly asked questions or concerns and answers about a specific topic. If your question is not answered below kindly contact your nearest sales representative.
Please note, Machine Tool Indonesia is not an importer, retailer, nor manufacturer. Please do not send us junk, sales, or promotion email, any junk email will be ignored. Thank you.

Q1. Who do I need to contact if I have questions or check about online activities, a particular item, or would like to book?
Please contact the Sales Representative or Sales Manager for your country/region.
Q2. How much does it cost to exhibit?
It varies depending on the booth size and exhibit products. Please check the following for your reference. If you would like to know the cost estimation, please feel free to contact us.
Q3. Is the cost inclusive of production?
It varies, depending on the item. Please check with the Sales Representative or Sales Manager for your country/region.
Q4. I am not exhibiting at Machine Tool Indonesia, can I still book one of these promotional opportunities?
No. All promotional opportunities are available to our exhibitors only. However, you can join our digital activities. Please check your nearest sales representative about this package.
Q5. Can I distribute leaflets and samples at the show venue?
Yes, but restricted only in your booth area.
Q6. What shows does the badge give access to?
The badge offers access for 4 days to the Machine Tool Indonesia exhibition. The badge is personal and non-transferable. You will be asked to show it whenever you enter and exit the show; you may also be asked for proof of identity.
Q7. Can I hold a seminar outside the booth during the show?
Exhibitors’ Product/Technology Seminars are held within the exhibition halls during the show and presentation slots are sold exclusively to exhibitors. Please contact our Event Team for more details.
Q8. Is a visa necessary to enter Indonesia?
Please refer to the https://www.machinetoolindonesia.com/travel/visas/. Please note that the necessity of a visa varies by the nationality of the visitors.
Q1. What is the programme you have?
We have several programmes, the latest one is our hybrid plan. Machine Tool Indonesia will be your seamless opportunity that provides more exposure to any brands before the show! Not only we have online, onsite, but also hybrid activities to ensure our attendees get the best experience.
Q2. Tell me more about your digital activities.
Since 2020, we have successfully held 2 main digital activities to occupied this industry’s needs – from business meetings to webinars. We’re now gathering the best content for our webinar series and planning to deliver our latest brainstorming, insights, and news in the manufacturing industry every month.
Q3. How can I contribute or get more exposure for my brands if I’m not able to join the show this year?
We need your expertise and support to share the information – this will be a collaboration from the industry to the industry! Let’s have a collaboration and contact our nearest sales representative and they will advise you of the next steps, packages, as well as the benefit of joining our digital activities.
Thank you for your support to the industry. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the show!